Our Message
We shall strive for the realization to become
“A corporate Group of Outstanding Value”
and contribute to a sustainable society.
Nippon Carbide Industries (NCI) was founded in 1935 in Toyama. At that time, the acetylene induction business using carbide as a raw material was a promising new chemical industry. Since then, during its over 80 year history, NCI has reconstructed its operations several times, so that currently its core technologies deal with resin polymerizing, films/sheetings, and ceramic sintering, based on which a wide variety of goods and services are provided.
This is the result of continued efforts of our predecessors, creating new value with our technological capability, supported by our stakeholders, namely our customers, partners in business transactions, residents of the local areas where we operate, and our shareholders.
In order to fulfill our management goal of becoming “A Corporate Group of Outstanding Value,” we in the NCI Group shall resolutely take on all the challenges that come our way as we proceed to the next stage of growth, redouble our efforts, and contribute to the sustainable society of the future.